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Submissions are now open!

Email us your short stories, essays, articles, poetry, or artwork to stand a chance to be featured in the next issue of Monograph!


Submission Guidelines

All submissions need to be mailed as .doc or .docx files to For more information reach out to us by sending us an e-mail.

  1. There are no specific themes that one needs to adhere to. Anything and everything related to the arts is fair game and can be submitted.

  2. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  3. Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged. However, we usually limit the number of published articles/poems by a single author to not more than 2.

  4. For non-fiction the minimum word length is 500 and the maximum is 4000. For fiction or poetry pieces there are no word limits.

  5. One should clearly mention what they are submitting (poem/article/artwork) in the subject of the mail.

  6. The body of the mail should include a short bio of the author/artist. A little introductory note to the content attached is not mandatory but encouraged.

  7. The attached file should be titled appropriately with the name of the written piece. Also, the file should include the name and the e-mail address of the author/poet as a byline.

  8. Artworks need to be submitted as .jpg, .jpeg and/or .png files.

  9. Since we do receive quite a few submissions in a month, it is very difficult for us to reply to each and every submission. If rejected, we do not send out rejection letters. If one hasn't been notified by the 27th of the month, it is fair to assume that the piece of work has been rejected and will not be published.

  10. We accept previously published work as long as the first platform that published said piece allows it.

If you have any questions, you may contact us here.

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